Workforce Development Board
The Workforce Development Board plays a slightly bigger role in our local economy than most might think. The board works as a sort of 3rd party negotiator between the public and business community. A large part of this board's job is to help employers find employees and unemployed or underemployed residents find job opportunities. There is an entire system set up to do this, and the greater the devotion to this system the great its effectiveness: finding residents employment and thereby contributing to our local economy. For those of us concerned about our unemployed and underemployed, there is a system in place which allows residents to have input, monitor progress and even volunteer to help improve. Using the following link, you'll be able to access the Workforce Development Board's past minutes, a list of current members on the Board and more. The board meets six times per year on Tuesdays at 11:15 a.m.
Human Services Advisory Commission
The Human Services Advisory Commission (HSAC) does a ton of work! The Commission advises the Department of Human Services, along with direct advisement on specific programs within the Department of Human Services. The HSAC provides advisement on requirements related to the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG), serves as Placement Alternatives Commission (PAC) which works on out-of-home placement issues and also evaluates of the effectiveness of out-of-home placement and Child Welfare programs. Finally, the HSAC functions as Family Preservation Commission (a state-mandated commission) that reviews and reports on the Department of Human Services. The HSAC consists of 15 members "broken into three equal representative sectors: Elected Official or Designee, Low-Income Client and Private." The HSAC is required to meet for a minimum of 2.5 hours 4 times a year. Using the following link, you'll be able to access the HSAC's upcoming agendas, past minutes, a list of current members on the Commission and more. The next and final HSAC meeting of 2018 will be held on Friday, October 26 at 8:30 a.m. at 315 North 11th Avenue Building B in the North Conference Room on the 2nd floor.
Additional Boards/Commissions
Families, Youth & Children Commission
Child Protection Citizen Review Panel
Area Agency on Aging
Board of Trustees of North Colorado Medical Center