You do not need to fill in every bubble on your ballot for it to count. In fact, you can even vote for just one candidate or on one issue and it will still count. This is a misunderstanding many voters have.
Last year, when Proposition 112 was on the ballot, a subscriber emailed Greeley Indie asking if they could vote on just this one issue and leave the rest of their ballot blank. “Yes!” we responded. “Go do it!” Greeley Indie wants to inform voters more about elections for reasons like this. How many eligible voters skip voting because they think they need to vote on everything on their ballot in order for their vote to count? Just one eligible voter who believes this is too many.
So, if there’s just one issue or one candidate you are interested in voting for, do not allow this to prevent you from voting. Those who only vote for candidates and issues they are familiar with should feel encouraged to vote. A democracy is strongest when voters are informed and don’t vote only based on party affiliation or the number of signs they’ve seen in people’s lawns.